Debugging Hero Demo

As the Debugging Hero chosen by the Legendary Sword, you have gained the ability to manipulate character variables! Use this powerful ability to overcome the dungeons blocking your path and defeat the Demon Lord!

Action, Adventure, Other
To be released
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Debugging Hero Demo

To be released

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Game Description

As the Debugging Hero chosen by the Legendary Sword, you have gained the ability to manipulate character variables!

With your variable manipulation abilities, you can enhance your stats such as attack power and speed.

Not only that, but you can also set a monster's HP to zero for an instant kill or alter its hostility to turn it into an ally.

Use this powerful ability to overcome the dungeons blocking your path and defeat the Demon Lord!

Utilize variable manipulation cards composed of operators and numerical values to directly alter character stats.

  • Addition Card: Boost your attack power or recover lost health.
  • Subtraction Card: Weaken the enemy's stats or reduce their health.
  • Multiplication Card: Greatly amplify critical stats to turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Once you've created advantageous situations using variable manipulation, it's time to take on your enemies directly!

Feel the satisfying impact of combat and defeat all the foes that stand in your way!

Game items come with unique special effects, and some rare items even unlock the ability to manipulate additional stats beyond the basics.

  • Drastically increase your movement speed or reduce the boss monster's speed to zero.
  • Manipulate hostility to turn enemies into allies.
  • Add new stats like stun damage to incapacitate monsters in combat.

Combine the unique effects of various items to create your own strategies and enjoy thrilling battles like never before!

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