Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago

Someone has to protect this realm... is it you? Become a guardian spirit and raise your very own Hero to stand against the Dark Lord.

어드벤처, RPG, 캐주얼
14 Hours Productions
Astrolabe Games
아직 등록된 평가 없음
아직 등록된 후기 없음

Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago


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게임 설명

The Fairy Queen needs your help!

Become her Guardian Spirit and raise a little hero from an egg to battle the Dark Lord and bring peace back to the land.

This is an Elf Egg...

You are a guardian spirit created by the Fairy Queen to look after the heroes of this realm. You are to guide them. Raise them. Help them face the dark terrors of the world.

Part digital pet game, part RPG adventure, and part casual Idle game, Yolk Heroes is a charming blend of many different elements. Quest and grind to protect the citizens of the realm, or simply enjoy your digital friend!

Raise your hero!

From egg to adventure take your elf and help them become the greatest hero they can be. Clean, train, educate, and equip your little elf. Taking them through several phases of development.

  • Egg - Protect your Elf Egg from the dangers of the world! Keep it at the perfect temperature to help the strongest possible hero hatch.
  • Infant - The helpless hero is young and cute, but can't do much! Learn the basics while getting to know your drooling elf.
  • Do errands, practice skills, play games, and develop your elf into the hero they're destined to be!
  • Hero - Once your elf reaches maturity, take them out on quests and adventures for treasure and glory!

Save this realm...

The Dark Lord has been spreading evil across the land. The Fairy Queen has tasked you with stopping his reign of terror!

  • Challenging quests await around every bend, and a myriad of unique enemies seek to assault your hero from all sides.
  • Use skills, items, training, and a little bit of luck to keep your hero safe!
  • Your hero will give you regular updates during their quests, so you can get on with your life without worrying about your Elf getting into (too much) trouble without you.
  • Equip your hero with various weapons and armor to even the odds and ensure they have the best chances possible against the forces of darkness.
  • Actions take energy! Be sure to balance work with rest, otherwise your Elf will find themselves worn out.

A companion for you...

Your little hero doesn't require constant attention. The opposite really!

Raising, feeding, cleaning and even questing with your little elf is all done at a fairly leisurely real-time pace. Yolk Heroes is a cozy experience, one which you only need to check in on a few times a day to keep your hero healthy and happy.

Don't be fooled into thinking that means there's no danger, though! Even the mightiest heroes are sometimes defeated, but if this fate befalls your Elf, worry not. Your little hero should always be able to be nursed back to health!

A virtual pet adventure...

Yolk Heroes is the virtual pet game you've always wanted! RPG Mechanics, minigames, quests...who doesn't love quests? Your elf will explore, grow stronger, and embark on an adventure to deliver the world from evil! OR! You can just relax and enjoy your little friend.

Through Yolk Heroes, we want you to take your Elf on the adventure of their lives...and perhaps make some fond memories for yourself along the way.

Happy questing!

게임 후기

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