Hide and Seek


'Hide And Seek' is a game where you collect items and escape from a house that has merged with your old school, turning into a complex maze. Escape from the randomly generated house and win the bet with your friends!

Horror, Action, Adventure
IM Games
IM Games
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100% Recommended (1 Participants)
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USD 1.99

This game is still an early access version.

Future updates may lead to certain changes to the game content or prices.

Game Description

【Game Overview】
"Hide And Seek" is a first-person survival horror game.

Jinju, who was playing hide and seek with her friends, falls asleep in the closet by mistake.

When she wakes up and comes out of the closet, she finds blood pooled in the bathtub in the basement. The once familiar house is now engulfed in darkness and looks completely different.

Your goal is to escape from the strange house!

【Game Points】

□ Randomly Generated Stages The strange house changes its shape every time you play. Since the locations of items also change each time, adapt to the situation and aim to escape.

□ Different Characteristics of Pursuers The pursuers wandering around the house use sight and hearing to detect and chase the player. Understand the characteristics of each pursuer and deal with them well to survive as long as possible.

Game Review

2024년 6월 신작 모아보기



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