Time Loader Prologue

Time Loader Prologue is a story-driven puzzle-platformer with tiny robots, alternate realities, nostalgic music, and primitive tech from the 90s!

어드벤처, 캐주얼
META Publishing
전체 이용가
100% 추천(참여 1명)
아직 등록된 후기 없음

Time Loader Prologue


게임 설명


본 게임은 Time Loader의 프롤로그 버전으로, 본 게임의 초반 컨텐츠가 포함된 무료 체험 버전입니다.

본 프롤로그 버전은 한글 지원을 하고 있지 않으며, 영어로 플레이 가능하십니다.

정식 버전은 현재 한글화를 진행 중에 있으며, 한글화가 완료되는대로 정식 버전을 런칭할 예정이니 참고 부탁드립니다.

비록 영어버전이지만, 스토브 인디에서 한글화 출시되기 전, 미리 게임에 대해 맛보실 수 있습니다! 

Time Loader is a story-driven, physics-based puzzle platformer with a twist. At the helm of a small robot, you’ll travel back to the 90s to prevent a tragic accident. Explore the house of your creator, solve brain-teasing puzzles, acquire unique and powerful upgrades, and see common household items from an entirely new perspective!

But remember: meddling with time has serious consequences. You may succeed in changing the past, but can you deal with the result of your actions?

Gameplay Features:

Subverted perspectives 

Even the most familiar objects look different when you’re the size of a toy car. Will you watch your every move or dive head-first into this dangerous new world?

An arsenal to choose from

Boosters, harpoons, screwdrivers… choose among dozens of upgrades to tackle each level and get the job done!

Dynamic and branching narratives

Don’t just relive the past: change it! Every choice you make will influence the story and may lead to a different outcome. So do us a favor: change the past responsibly!

A complimentary dose of nostalgia

Time Loader features music, references, and items straight out of the ‘90s. Relive your childhood or, if you’re too young for it, just gawk in awe at how primitive humanity used to be back then!

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