Mystery-themed, short story-driven adventure game

アドベンチャー, パズル, ビジュアルノベル
PsychoFlux Entertainment

Flower in Us




Flower in Us is a mystery-themed, short story-driven adventure game.

You've been knocked out by someone and lost your memory, and in front of you is a girl tied to a pole. Work with the girl to free yourself from the reincarnation in the basement. Will you be able to uncover the girl's dark secrets and blossom a true relationship with her?




Roll the Die Demo


Roll the Die Demo

가방에 좋은 도구들을 집어넣고, 캐릭터의 주사위를 개조하고, 스토리의 끝에 도달하세요.

ストラテジー Mouse-Only Roguelike
おすすめ 0

Flower in Us Demo


Flower in Us Demo

Mystery-themed, short story-driven adventure game

アドベンチャー BurningBeaver2023 Mutiple Endings
おすすめ 4

Gravity Castle Demo


Gravity Castle Demo

You become a pilgrim and embark on a journey that will never return, deep into the depths of Gravity Castle. You'll have to face the malevolence of the dungeon, with a mystical tool that allows you to handle the gravity.

パズル G-STAR2023 BurningBeaver2023
おすすめ 9

전역은 오는가

USD 4.99

전역은 오는가

전역은 오는가(My Military Life)는 제작자의 군 생활을 바탕으로 만든 추리·군대 쯔꾸르입니다. 저와 함께 군 생활을 하면서 사라진 분대카드를 찾아 무사히 전역하도록 합시다.

アドベンチャー 2D Story-based
おすすめ 1

Reloader: test_subject

USD 0.99

Reloader: test_subject

Reloader: test_subject is an experimental "Bullet Counting Reload Action" game. Experience being a Reloader: having legendary shooting skills and engaging in Close-Quarters Combat(CQC). You just have to remember how to use the gun you’re holding.

シミュレーション High-Difficulty Control-based
おすすめ 5

Nightfall Comes

USD 10.99

Nightfall Comes

Nightfall Comes is a rogue-lite action game based on top-view 3D actions that tells the story of the four characters who gathered in a castle built on a fief, led by their last lingering feelings of the extinct world.

アクション 3D Controller
おすすめ 0

Flowers Blooming at the End of Summer

USD 0.99

Flowers Blooming at the End of Summer

A girl who identifies herself as a ghost suddenly appears in front of me one day, just days before summer vacation, and asks me to get rid of her.

ビジュアルノベル Story-based Good Visuals
おすすめ 13

CAASI remade

USD 6.99

CAASI remade

The CAASI, opening its eyes for the first time in an unfamiliar place, follows your lead towards a happy ending. Together, you and the child adventure through a world that may seem scary and chilling, but still kind to the child.

アドベンチャー Pixel art 2D
おすすめ 0

The Space-Eating Croc


The Space-Eating Croc

Explore the mysterious hotel by controlling a mysterious man and a suspicious hotelier. Face the dark truth hidden deep inside the metaphorical spaces within the hotel, and find the monster hidden in between the rifts of space.

アドベンチャー Story-based Mystery
おすすめ 0

Metal March

USD 7.99

Metal March

Metal March는 체스에서 감명받은 전략과 CCG가 조합 된 새로운 스타일의 턴제 전략 시뮬레이션 게임입니다. 전략과 성향에 맞는 병력으로 부대를 갖추고, 카드와 유물과의 시너지를 이용해 강력한 군대를 만들어 원정을 성공적으로 완료해야합니다.

ストラテジー High-Difficulty 3D
おすすめ 1

グラビティキャッスル (Gravity Castle)

USD 14.99

グラビティキャッスル (Gravity Castle)

グラビティキャッスル(Gravity Castle)は、重力の力を利用して不思議な地下遺跡を探検する2Dパズルプラットフォームゲームです。生き残るためにはグラビティキャッスルの一番暗い秘密を明かさなければなりません。誰も乗り越えたことのない試練に、今度はあなたが挑戦する番です。

パズル Pixel art High-Difficulty
おすすめ 2
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Upcoming Releases




HumanitZ is a co-op, isometric, open world survival game in a world ended by the zombie outbreak. As one of the few human survivors, try to last as long as “humanly” possible.

アドベンチャー Multi Zombie
おすすめ 0




'언컬트'는 사이비 교주의 딸을 주인공으로 하는 픽셀 RPG 게임입니다. 광신적 사이비 종교 집단 속에서 홀로 'un'cult 한 주인공은 불의의 사고로 기억을 잃어 베일에 쌓인 과거의 조각들을 되찾아야만 하죠. 수많은 고난을 넘어 진실을 마주한 당신은 과연 어떠한 선택을 하게 될까요?

ホラー Pixel art 2D
おすすめ 0




『愛は簡単です2:夏のポチャ』は、恋愛シミュレーションゲームです。 交通事故で全てのことに失敗して記憶を失った主人公は、屋台を経営し、5人の美女と恋に落ちます。

シミュレーション Worth Playing Hot Issue
おすすめ 0

Wonder Library


Wonder Library

Healing Game in the Library

アドベンチャー 3D Relaxing
おすすめ 0

Time To Live


Time To Live

A story of living with a woman whose identity is unknown for 30 days.

シミュレーション Pixel art 2D
おすすめ 0

Gal*Gun Returns


Gal*Gun Returns


シューティング Mutiple Endings Single-Only
おすすめ 0

Dark Deity 2


Dark Deity 2

Verroa is a peaceful continent on the brink of war as the Asverellian Empire seeks to expand - at your homeland’s expense. Command unlikely heroes, fight challenging turn-based battles, and watch hardship forge iron into steel.

ストラテジー Turn-Based
おすすめ 0

Shape of Dreams


Shape of Dreams

Shape of Dreamsは、アクションローグライトにMOBAスタイルの要素を取り入れたユニークなゲームです。夢の世界を冒険しながら、ヒーローの記憶を編集して自分だけのキャラクターを作ってみましょう。一人ですべての困難に立ち向かうか、最大4人協力プレイでフレンドと一緒にプレイしましょう。

アクション Addictive Multi
おすすめ 0

The shadows of fallen city


The shadows of fallen city

Shadows of the Fall is a reality detective show that follows a group of people who have all fallen, each with their own story, as they converge on a city where common sense and relationships have fallen apart.

アドベンチャー Story-based Story Rich
おすすめ 0

Second Wave


Second Wave

Second Wave is a free-to-play online multiplayer hero-based shooter MOBA set in the world of Armantia. Players take on the role of a legendary Hero to fight an endless war for The Arcane Stone via different game modes.

シューティング Free Cartoon
おすすめ 26

Legacy of Sin ill-boding


Legacy of Sin ill-boding

The world as we knew it no longer exists. Join the few remaining survivors, lead them, and build your city, feed your people and organize your defenses to survive the hordes of enemies attacking your kingdom, mankind's last kingdom, our hope.

ストラテジー Korean Localized Turn-Based
おすすめ 0




V.E.D.A is a Soulslike training game with weighty combat and exploration. The protagonist, awakened with no memory, undergoes combat training in a training simulator and uncovers hidden secrets. You too can enter the Soulslike genre. Don't hesitate.

アクション Single-Only
おすすめ 0
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