このDLCをプレイするには、 LEAP IN BOOTSTRAP の本編が必要です。
Leap In Bootstrap : Artbook を購入する
2024.12.31 09:59(EST)以降割引終了
1. A commentary produced by Halla Tangerine and Yujin Games
2. 23 CG illustrations in in-game
3. 56 standing illustrations of characters in in-
4. The artist's congratulatory message and 18 pages of EXTRA IMAGE
5. 32 BGM songs for in-game
6. Fan art of leaf in bootstrap
※ How to Contriol : Proceed with mouse click
※ How to Contriol : You can use the button quickly when scrolling the mouse over the button.
※ The DLC can be found in the "bootstrap_artbook" folder within the folder where the "Leaf in Bootstrap" game body is installed.
※ You can check the full screen image by clicking on "HIDE UI" among the options below.
※ The BGM used in the game is a commercially available CC0 grade sound source, and the DLC contains the composers' nicknames and set song names.