How to Make a Spirit of a Cherry Tree an Idol

The main character who lost his mother in an accident and returned to his father's hometown. Small town, countryside, strangers While everything is uncomfortable, you face an unexpected connection.

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Game Description

The main character who lost his mother in a childhood accident.
I was wandering around longing for my mother
He came back to his hometown at his father's recommendation.
But the darkness of the heart doesn't go away easily...It seems like he died without getting used to the scenery of his hometown that has changed a lot
In his life, he experiences something strange one day...!The spring when flowers are in full bloom, which I planted in the yard of my house with my mother.
There was a girl standing in the suddenly shining wooden fish.And from this point on,
His daily life begins to turn red again.

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술도 사랑도 어려운 아가씨

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술도 사랑도 어려운 아가씨

기본적으로 역하렘 미연시 장르로서, 비주얼노벨 라이크로 진행되는 게임입니다. 칵테일 타이쿤이 게임의 핵심 시스템으로 유저는 칵테일 바를 운영하며 재화를 벌게 됩니다. 재화로 다양한 CG가 포함되어 있는 시나리오와 레시피 등을 구매하며 칵테일 바를 성장시킵니다. 향후에 칵테일 대회에서 가장 높은 호감치를 갖고 있는 남주와 함께 출전하는 것이 목표입니다.

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