Mystery-themed, short story-driven adventure game

冒險遊戲, 益智遊戲, 視覺小說遊戲
PsychoFlux Entertainment

Flower in Us




Flower in Us is a mystery-themed, short story-driven adventure game.

You've been knocked out by someone and lost your memory, and in front of you is a girl tied to a pole. Work with the girl to free yourself from the reincarnation in the basement. Will you be able to uncover the girl's dark secrets and blossom a true relationship with her?




Gravity Castle Demo


Gravity Castle Demo

You become a pilgrim and embark on a journey that will never return, deep into the depths of Gravity Castle. You'll have to face the malevolence of the dungeon, with a mystical tool that allows you to handle the gravity.

益智遊戲 G-STAR2023 BurningBeaver2023
推薦 9

전역은 오는가

USD 4.99

전역은 오는가

전역은 오는가(My Military Life)는 제작자의 군 생활을 바탕으로 만든 추리·군대 쯔꾸르입니다. 저와 함께 군 생활을 하면서 사라진 분대카드를 찾아 무사히 전역하도록 합시다.

冒險遊戲 2D Story-based
推薦 1

Reloader: test_subject

USD 0.99

Reloader: test_subject

Reloader: test_subject is an experimental "Bullet Counting Reload Action" game. Experience being a Reloader: having legendary shooting skills and engaging in Close-Quarters Combat(CQC). You just have to remember how to use the gun you’re holding.

模擬遊戲 High-Difficulty Control-based
推薦 5

Nightfall Comes

USD 10.99

Nightfall Comes

Nightfall Comes is a rogue-lite action game based on top-view 3D actions that tells the story of the four characters who gathered in a castle built on a fief, led by their last lingering feelings of the extinct world.

動作遊戲 3D Controller
推薦 0

여름의 끝에 피는 꽃

USD 0.99

여름의 끝에 피는 꽃

여름방학을 며칠 앞둔 어느 날 갑작스레 내 앞에 나타난 한 소녀. 자신을 유령이라 밝힌 소녀는 난데없이 내게 자신을 없애 달라는 부탁을 건넨다. 자신의 눈에 보인다는 죽음의 색을 통해 나는 유령 소녀의 과거를 추적하기 시작하지만, 어째 소녀는 점점 죽음에 가까워지기보다는 나의 일상에 녹아들기 시작하는데...

視覺小說遊戲 Story-based Good Visuals
推薦 13

CAASI remade

USD 6.99

CAASI remade

처음 보는 곳에서 눈을 뜬 캐시는 당신의 인도를 따라 행복한 결말을 향해 나아갑니다. 어딘가 무섭고 서늘하지만, 그럼에도 아이에게 친절한 세계를 둘이서 함께 모험합니다.

冒險遊戲 Pixel art 2D
推薦 0

The Space-Eating Croc


The Space-Eating Croc

Explore the mysterious hotel by controlling a mysterious man and a suspicious hotelier. Face the dark truth hidden deep inside the metaphorical spaces within the hotel, and find the monster hidden in between the rifts of space.

冒險遊戲 Story-based Mystery
推薦 0

Metal March

USD 7.99

Metal March

Metal March는 체스에서 감명받은 전략과 CCG가 조합 된 새로운 스타일의 턴제 전략 시뮬레이션 게임입니다. 전략과 성향에 맞는 병력으로 부대를 갖추고, 카드와 유물과의 시너지를 이용해 강력한 군대를 만들어 원정을 성공적으로 완료해야합니다.

策略遊戲 High-Difficulty 3D
推薦 1

Gravity Castle

USD 14.99

Gravity Castle

Gravity Castle is a 2D puzzle platformer where you explore mysterious subterranean ruins using gravity augmentation powers. Overcome impossible Trials, trudge past the remains of fallen explorers and make your way to the very bottom.

益智遊戲 Pixel art High-Difficulty
推薦 2
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Upcoming Releases

Meta-Ghost: The Breaking Show


Meta-Ghost: The Breaking Show

Immerse yourself in the reality show — "Breaking Show", where you engage in real-time battles with various intelligent machines using cybernetic enhancements and weapons. Whether for personal gain or lofty ideals.

動作遊戲 StoveKor Roguelite
推薦 0




You must uncover the reason why the wooden world is shrouded in darkness. Help the protagonist Paco explore the hardcore platformer world.

動作遊戲 High-Difficulty 2D
推薦 0

차깨비 찻집


차깨비 찻집

Raise 차깨비들 and run a teahouse!

模擬遊戲 2D Cute
推薦 0

블랙 하트

USD 9.24

블랙 하트

꾹 참고만 살던 회사 생활... 일상을 뒤엎을 그녀가 찾아온다! 블랙 기업 속에서 벌어지는 러브 스토리 <블랙 하트>

視覺小說遊戲 STOVE ONLY Worth Playing
推薦 11

禁止過度投入2: 夏季大排檔


禁止過度投入2: 夏季大排檔

是"真實美少女戀愛模擬"遊戲《禁止過度投入2:夏季大排檔》。 所有事情都失敗了,甚至遭遇車禍而失去記憶的主人公經營着大排檔,與5名美女戀愛。

模擬遊戲 Worth Playing Hot Issue
推薦 0

Wonder Library


Wonder Library

Healing Game in the Library

冒險遊戲 3D Relaxing
推薦 0

The shadows of fallen city


The shadows of fallen city

Shadows of the Fall is a reality detective show that follows a group of people who have all fallen, each with their own story, as they converge on a city where common sense and relationships have fallen apart.

冒險遊戲 Story-based Story Rich
推薦 0

환일의 요하네 - NUMAZU in the MIRAGE -


환일의 요하네 - NUMAZU in the MIRAGE -

마법의 카드가 엮어 나가는 덱 빌딩형 로그라이트!

冒險遊戲 3D Cute
推薦 0




HumanitZ is a co-op, isometric, open world survival game in a world ended by the zombie outbreak. As one of the few human survivors, try to last as long as “humanly” possible.

冒險遊戲 Multi Zombie
推薦 0

Yog-Sothoth's Yard


Yog-Sothoth's Yard

Manage a hotel and hire employees including Death, a dragon, a Demon-Slayer, and a bioroid maid. Build your wealth through various means and refine your strategies based on the predictions of Oracles.

模擬遊戲 StoveKor
推薦 0

Murders on the Yangtze River


Murders on the Yangtze River

It is an Ace Attorney-like detective game that takes you on a journey through early 20th century China as you solve a series of intriguing cases. Use your logical reasoning to uncover clues, interrogate suspects, and solve the mysteries.

冒險遊戲 StoveKor
推薦 0




A unique real puzzle game using colors in a notebook.

益智遊戲 2D Cute
推薦 0
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