Meow Moments: New Year Activity Book

Enjoy a lovely book in a printable PDF file with activities to relax, featuring New Year illustrations from "Meow Moments: Celebrating Together". Let's remember the New Year celebration! Plus: unlock an extra minigame in the main game.

休闲游戏, 益智游戏
Mens Sana Interactive
Mens Sana Interactive


为进行该DLC,需 Meow Moments: Celebrating Together 官方游戏。

购买 Meow Moments: New Year Activity Book

2025.01.07 20:00(EST)后优惠结束

-20% USD 1.89 USD 1.51


Meow Moments DLC Collection

-20% USD 4.53 USD 3.60



Meow Moments: Valentine's Day DLC

-20% USD 1.89 USD 1.51

Meow Moments: Olympicats DLC

-20% USD 1.89 USD 1.51


Introducing the Meow Moments: New Year Activity Book.
Enjoy a lovely book in a printable PDF file with activities to relax, featuring New Year illustrations from "Meow Moments: Celebrating Together". Illustrations were created by artist Katia Numakura.

  • Pictures to colour.
  • Spot the differences.
  • Find the objects and characters in the crowd, and more!

Plus: a mini game to play in the main game Meow Moments: Celebrating Together. Enjoy a memory game to sharpen your mind.

Purchasing this will greatly support our studio to keep creating more content and more games! 

Thanks in advance!
After downloading the content, get the PDF file from the game directory

  • STOVE Previous PC Client: C:\Program Files (x86)\Smilegate\Games\Meow Moments\ActivityBook
  • STOVE NEW PC Client: C:\ProgramData\Smilegate\Games\Meow Moments\ActivityBook




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