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플레이어는 다람쥐 '램지'를 조종해 사물을 공중으로 띄우는 특별한 무기인 '코튼 건'으로 각종 미로와 퍼즐을 풀어나가며 다양한 지역을 탐험할 수 있습니다.
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램지가 살던 다람지구는 6개의 거대한 섬으로 이루어진 행성입니다.
그러나 사악한 발명가의 욕심이 만들어낸 이상 기후로 인해 모든 곳이 설치류들이 살아남기 힘든 환경으로 바뀌게 되었습니다.
램지가 어떻게 행성에 닥쳐온 재앙과 맞서 싸우게 되었는지, 그리고 지구로 건너오게 된 이유는 무엇인지 확인해보세요.
All of Us Are Dead... : DLC Collection
USD 26.88
All of Us Are Dead... : DLC Collection
A school turned into a zombie hellhole, with hopes of rescue growing slimmer by the hour. Can the few remaining survivors make it out of the school alive? A dramatic visual novel game based on a popular webtoon.
The shadows of fallen city
The shadows of fallen city
Shadows of the Fall is a reality detective show that follows a group of people who have all fallen, each with their own story, as they converge on a city where common sense and relationships have fallen apart.
All of us are dead
USD 24.99
All of us are dead
Our school has been infested with zombies, and we are still alive. Every day, our hopes of escaping this school become less and less likely, but we are still alive. Follow us as we try to survive and escape our zombie-filled school.
The starbites
The starbites
The adventure story of a girl on a vast desert planet, "Bitter."
GalaxyTales : Story of Rapunzel
USD 14.99
GalaxyTales : Story of Rapunzel
Fight space pirates with Rapunzel, the Android with the best hair in the world! To protect the precious shelter where the Jimo race lives, the cute alien Rose and Android Rapunzel must go up to the ground floor.
All of Us Are Dead... : DLC Collection
USD 26.88
All of Us Are Dead... : DLC Collection
A school turned into a zombie hellhole, with hopes of rescue growing slimmer by the hour. Can the few remaining survivors make it out of the school alive? A dramatic visual novel game based on a popular webtoon.
USD 14.99
실시간 오토배틀에 덱빌딩 로그라이크를 결합한 게임입니다. 전통적인 덱 빌딩 로그라이크와는 달리 팀 관리와 실시간 카드 플레이가 특징입니다.
Before The Night
USD 13.99
Before The Night
Before The Night is a horror action adventure. Try to survive in a small and cute animal village! At night, animal friends turn into crazy monsters! Join the cute pet Lisa's journey!
Staffer Case - 异能缉凶
USD 12.99
Staffer Case - 异能缉凶
《Staffer Case - 异能缉凶》是一款别具一格的悬疑游戏。玩家需要寻找蛛丝马迹整理成文档,并指出它们之间的矛盾,揭开一系列凶案背后的真相。 破解重重谜团,逐步揭开真相!
30일 어나더
USD 14.00
30일 어나더
누군가의 삶을, 어쩌면 당신의 삶을 변화시킬 「30일」속 또다른 이야기
악의 텔레패스 DEMO
악의 텔레패스 DEMO
나의 유일한 이해자를 둘러싼 구원, 믿음, 배신과 증오의 이야기. 지금 다운로드하여 새로운 비주얼노벨을 만나보세요.
Seonbi : Scholar of Joseon
USD 6.90
Seonbi : Scholar of Joseon
Joseon has been in turmoil since the Japanese Invasion. A scholar who was on the test path, relies on a bag of bows to defeat bandits, Japanese remnants and goblins. He heads to Hanyang with the help of Seong Chun-hyang, who he met on the trip.
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