Red Hood's Cardventure


Little Red Riding Hood is stranded in a remote world... A perilous journey to return to the original world begins. A deckbuilding roguelike with real-time battles! Collect and power up cards to defeat your enemies with your own deck!


Red Hood's Cardventure を購入する

USD 11.99




You've been summoned as a warrior to save the world! 

Collect the Devil's Mark and save the world from the darkness!

A full-fledged "Deckbuilding Roguelike" 


Red Hood's Cardventure is a real-time combat-based deckbuilding roguelike that requires a lot of user control with a lot of random elements.

" I?"

Unbeknownst to Little Red Riding Hood, she finds herself in a remote world she's never seen before.

A wizard she encounters tells her that she has been summoned, that she has been summoned from another dimension to become a warrior to defeat a demon that threatens the world.

In exchange for being summoned, she has been given very 'special powers', she embarks on a perilous journey to find a way back to her home world.


Challenge randomly generated stages and events to collect powerful artifacts and cards.

Runes, special gems, can be combined with cards to offset their drawbacks and make them even more powerful.

Artifacts make cards' effects even more special, and can even make them do something completely different.

Real-time Combat 

All battles are real-time, not turn-based!

Draw cards faster than your opponent's attacks to defeat them!

Sometimes you'll be surrounded by many enemies and find yourself in a crisis.

In such cases, a better strategy is to run away from their attacks rather than defend yourself.

Class Promotion

Each time you clear a stage, you'll get a special artifact to "promote" you to the next level of class.

These special artifacts are so powerful that they can change your fighting style.

Choose the class artifact that will have the most synergy with the deck you've been collecting as you progress through the stages!

Roguelite / Collect Souls 

If the game is too hard for you, why not collect souls to power up your abilities?

You can boost your attack, improve your defense, and even unlock special abilities.

Unlock the powers within your souls to defeat your enemies faster.




Red Hood's Cardventure DEMO


Red Hood's Cardventure DEMO

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