Dynasty Detective

DynastyDetective is a visual Novel-style mystery story game set in the fictional Joseon Dynasty where monsters appear.

Adventure, Puzzle, Visual Novel
Note du jeu
Date de publication
Note de l'utilisateur
Recommandé à 95% (48 personnes participantes)
Critique du jeu
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Achetez Dynasty Detective

USD 14.99


5 au total

청구야담 팔도견문록 PC완전판 DLC - [후원자전용] 조군관 세트스킨

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Dynasty Detective - Mr. Cho Skin Pack

USD 7.50

청구야담 팔도견문록 PC완전판 DLC - [후원자전용] 정도사 세트스킨

Jeu actuellement inaccessible.

Dynasty Detective - After Story


Dynasty Detective - Jeongdosa Skin Pack

USD 7.50

Description du jeu

1. Episode Composition
-A monster-related incident unfolds in each of the eight provinces of Joseon. Play various episodes reconstructed based on local folklore and uncover the truth behind the incidents.
- Each episode supports 3 to 4 multiple endings.

2. Investigation
- Investigate the scene of the incident and collect clues necessary to solve the case.
- Talk to NPC characters to obtain testimonies.
- Use the clues and testimonies to make deductions.
- Combine the deductions to reach a conclusion of the case. There is only one truth among many conclusions.

3. Confrontation
- If you correctly identify the culprit or the monster behind the incident, you will engage in a one-on-one logical battle.
- Expose the lies of the villain and attack by presenting clues.

4. Character Chemistry
- The player embarks on a journey with colleague Jo Gun-Gwan from the perspective of Jeong Do-sa.
- Experience the story of Jeong Do-sa and Jo Gun-Gwan growing together as they encounter various incidents.
- If you need hints during gameplay, you can consult Jo Gun-Gwan at any time.

Critique du jeu

Autres jeux du Créateur/Éditeur


청구야담 : 팔도견문록 PC완전판 DEMO


청구야담 : 팔도견문록 PC완전판 DEMO

[청구야담 : 팔도견문록]은 괴물이 출몰하는 가상의 조선을 배경으로 하는, 비주얼 노벨 스타일의 추리 스토리 게임입니다. 타락한 괴물들의 준동으로 혼란에 빠진 조선. 괴물 퇴치 전문가인 도사 탐정 '정 도사'가 되어 군관 출신 암행어사 '조 군관'과 함께 조선 각지의 괴사건을 해결해 나가세요!

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