Black Heart (Secret Plus)

The company life you've been tolerating... She comes to overturn your daily life! A love story in a black company .

Visual Novel
Data de lançamento
Lançamento previsto para 2º semestre/2024

Black Heart (Secret Plus)

Lançamento previsto para 2º semestre/2024

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Description du jeu

Black Heart, a new movie from Black Academy developer Catdoorz
A love story in a black company!

Second half of 2024
A woman who will turn your life upside down... your corporate life.

Avaliação do jogo

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블랙 하트

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Black Academy (Secret Plus)

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Black Academy

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DEMO_블랙 하트

꾹 참고만 살던 회사 생활... 일상을 뒤엎을 그녀가 찾아온다! 블랙 기업 속에서 벌어지는 러브 스토리 <블랙 하트>

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블랙 아카데미 DEMO

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Shooting 2D Cute
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