게임 Hipster! 신감각 전투에 도전하라!

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Description du jeu

[If you get hurt... I’ll fix you]

Gatto, a lone wolf mercenary, begins working with Rose, an aerospace A.I, on the recommendation of the captain who hired him.

In the midst of various events, Gatto's spaceship gets sucked into a wormhole and crash-lands on the planet Ureun.

Consequently, the spaceship loses its power and Rose’s function is deactivated.

Gatto ventures off to the planet Ureun to find a way to fix both the spaceship and Rose.

[Utilize both Top-down / Over-the-shoulder views in combat!]

Choose between top-down or over-the-shoulder views depending on the situation to move on!Avoid enemy traps and attacks while targeting their weak points!

[Destroy your enemies with various weapons!]

Depending on the situation, use various skills such as Turret, Shield, and Recovery to gain the upper hand in combat!

Fight your way with 2 types of skills: Battle Skill for combat and Passive Skill that empower Gatto!

Block enemy attacks with your shield and blow away the bad robots with devastating weapons!

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Utilisation restreinte

리플 이펙트 DEMO

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USD 1.45


All five members of our team are majoring in game science and like to make games. Our team will grow into a company that can compete with 3N within 10 years, and we are working together to create games to create the new world of contents.

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